Vegetation in the vicinity of the Toolik Field Station, Alaska. 2008.
D.A. Walker and H.A. Maier. Biological Papers of the University of Alaska, No. 28. Institute of Arctic Biology, Fairbanks, AK. ISBN: 978-0-9767525-2-3.
High resolution (300 dpi) map:
Low resolution (50 dpi) map:
Upper Kuparuk River Region Vegetation .
False Color Infrared Image of the Seward Peninsula.
A preliminary Landsat MSS-derived land-cover map of the Seward Peninsula, Alaska: classification methods and comparison with existing data sets.
The data report is available as low (203 k) and high (1,206 k) resolution PDF files.
The unsupervised landcover classification is available as a GZip compressed grid saved as an ArcInfo export file.
Arctic slope boundary. Arc/Info polygon coverage.
Landsat MSS-derived land-cover map of northern Alaska: extrapolation methods and a comparison with photo-interpreted and AVHRR-derived maps. Int. J. Remote Sensing. 20(15 & 16):2921-2946. [1.5 mb pdf]
Landcover of the Kuparuk region.
Detailed description of the dataset (146 kb PDF).
The data is available as a GZip compressed Geo-TIFF file .
Johnson AW, Viereck LA, Johnson RE, Melchior H. 1960. Vegetation Map of the Ogotoruk Creek Drainage. Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alaska, College, AK. Unpublished. (Digitized: June 2004, Alaska Geobotany Center).
This map is similar to the vegetation map (Plate 5) described in:
Johnson AW, Viereck LA, Johnson RE, Melchior H. 1966. Vegetation and flora. In: Wilimovsky NJ, editor. The environment of the Cape Thompson region, Alaska. OakRidge, TN: U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. p 277-354.
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