- Credits and Notes:
- This is a false color-infrared image of the Arctic region, north of treeline,
during maximum greenup. The image combines data from the summers of 1993 and
1995, which were relatively warm years with minimum snow and cloud cover.
Red tones are areas of dense vegetation; blues and greys are sparsely vegetated;
black areas are water and white areas are ice. The image was produced for
the Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Mapping (CAVM) project. Funding was provided
by the U.S. National Science Foundation, grant number OPP-9732-076.
- Image data:
- AVHRR data were obtained from the USGS, EROS Alaska Field Office as bi-weekly
composite images. The circumpolar map was produced by selecting the pixels
that had the maximum reflectance during the period of 11 July through 31 August
for the years of 1993 and 1995.
- Treeline data:
- Alaska:
Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission. 1973. Major Ecosystems of
Alaska. Scale 1:2,500,000.
Timoney, K. P., et al. 1992. The high subarctic forest-tundra of northwestern
Canada: position, width, and vegetation gradients in relation to climate.
Arctic, 45(1):1-9; and Steve Zoltai (Pers. Comm.).
Treeline was compiled from several vegatation maps at 1:2,500,000 and 1:4,000,000
scale by: Sergei Kholod, Komarov Botanical Institute, St. Petersburg; Natalia
Moskalenko, Earth Cryosphere Institute, Moscow; and Alexei Polezhaev, Zonal
Research Institute of Northeast Agriculture, Magadan.
- Map produced by:
- Northern Ecosystem Analysis and Mapping Laboratory Institute of Arctic Biology,
University of Alaska Fairbanks Fairbanks, AK 99775, USA. 07 March, 2000 Copies
may be obtained from Hilmar A. Maier (fnham@uaf.edu; Tel: (907) 474-1540)
or Donald A. Walker (ffdaw@uaf.edu; Tel: (907) 474-2460).
- Suggested citation:
- Walker, D.A., S.V. Muller, W.A. Gould and H.A. Maier. 2000. Draft Map. False
Color Infrared Image of the Circumpolar Arctic Tundra Region. Scale 1:7,500,000.
University of Alaska Fairbanks.