Metadata also available as
- Identification_Information:
- Citation:
- Citation_Information:
- Originator: Alaska Geobotany Center
- Publication_Date:
REQUIRED: The date when the data set is published or otherwise made available for release.
- Title: ak4m_biozone_aa
- Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: vector digital data
- Online_Linkage:
- Description:
- Abstract:
A temperature gradient from north to south exsists in the Arctic, with plants further south able to take advantage of higher temperatures than those in the northern parts. The mean July temperatures are near 0 C on the northernmost islands. At these temperatures, plants are at their metabolic limits, and small differences in the total amount of summer warmth make large differences in the amount of energy available for maintenance, growth, and reproduction. Warmer summer temperatures cause the size, horizontal cover, abundance, productivity and variety of plants to increase (see Table 2 CAVM). Woody plants and sedges are absent in Subzone A, where mean July temperatures are less than 3 C. Woody plants first occur in Subzone B (mean July temperatures about 3-5 C) as prostrate (creeping) dwarf shrubs, and increase in stature to hemiprostrate dwarf shrubs (<15 cm tall) in Subzone C (mean July temperatures about 5-7 C, erect dwarf shrubs (<40 cm tall) in Subzone D (mean July temperature about 7-9 C), and low shrubs (40-200 cm tall) in Subzone E (mean July temperature about 9-12 C. At treeline, where the mean July temperatures are between 10 and 12 C, woody shrubs up to 2 meters tall are abundant. The number of plants in local floras available to form plant communities increases from fewer than 50 species in the coldest parts of the Arctic to as many as 500 species near treeline.
- Purpose:
Map of Bioclimate Subzones in Arctic Alaska for use in various research projects.
- Supplemental_Information:
Initial bioclimate subzone boundaries were taken from the Panarctic Flora (PAF) initiative (Elvebakk et al. 1999, see CAVM for additional references). The boundaries were adjusted by D.A. Walker and M.K. Raynolds, mostly along southern edge of Subzone E to follow existing vegetation polygon boundaries. The vegetation polygons are drawn at a much finer resolution than the bioclimate subzone boundaries, so little information was lost in this process.
- Time_Period_of_Content:
- Time_Period_Information:
- Multiple_Dates/Times:
- Single_Date/Time:
- Calendar_Date: 1993
- Single_Date/Time:
- Calendar_Date: 1995
- Currentness_Reference: ground condition
- Status:
- Progress: Complete
- Maintenance_and_Update_Frequency: As needed
- Spatial_Domain:
- Bounding_Coordinates:
- West_Bounding_Coordinate: -180.000000
- East_Bounding_Coordinate: 180.000000
- North_Bounding_Coordinate: 71.386183
- South_Bounding_Coordinate: 57.526632
- Keywords:
- Theme:
- Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: ISO 19115 Topic Category
- Theme_Keyword: Biota
- Theme_Keyword: Environment
- Theme:
- Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: Alaska Geobotany Center
- Theme_Keyword: vegetation
- Theme_Keyword: physiogonomy
- Theme_Keyword: tundra
- Theme_Keyword: tundra
- Theme_Keyword: ITUM
- Place:
- Place_Keyword_Thesaurus: Alaska Geobotany Center
- Place_Keyword: Arctic
- Place_Keyword: Alaska
- Place_Keyword: US
- Place_Keyword: Northslope
- Access_Constraints: none
- Use_Constraints:
Data provided by the Alaska Geobotany Center are copyright protected under the provisions of a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License (<http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/1.0/>). Materials may be freely downloaded, reprinted and redistributed for non-commercial use. Reproduction and redistribution of the materials on this web site, including derivative works, shall give credit to the Alaska Geobotany Center and remain subject to the above license. Any web pages that use this material shall contain a link pointing to the Alaska Geobotany Center home page (<http://www.geobotany.uaf.edu/>).
- Point_of_Contact:
- Contact_Information:
- Contact_Organization_Primary:
- Contact_Organization: Alaska Geobotany Center
- Contact_Person: Hilmar A. Maier
- Contact_Position: GIS and Remote Sensing Manager
- Contact_Address:
- Address_Type: physical address
- Address: Alaska Geobotany Center
- Address: Institute of Arctic Biology
- Address: University of Alaska Fairbanks
- City: Fairbanks
- State_or_Province: AK
- Postal_Code: 99775
- Country: US
- Contact_Voice_Telephone: +1.907.474.1540
- Contact_Voice_Telephone: +1.907.474.2459
- Contact_Voice_Telephone: +1.907.474.2460
- Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: dataManager@geobotany.org
- Contact_Instructions: <http://www.geobotany.org/>
- Native_Data_Set_Environment:
Microsoft Windows XP Version 5.1 (Build 2600) Service Pack 3; ESRI ArcCatalog
- Data_Quality_Information:
- Lineage:
- Process_Step:
- Process_Description: Dataset copied.
- Source_Used_Citation_Abbreviation: \\\geodata\raster\circumpolar\ak\ak.mdb
- Process_Date: 20100224
- Process_Time: 13175300
- Spatial_Data_Organization_Information:
- Direct_Spatial_Reference_Method: Vector
- Point_and_Vector_Object_Information:
- SDTS_Terms_Description:
- SDTS_Point_and_Vector_Object_Type: G-polygon
- Point_and_Vector_Object_Count: 3
- SDTS_Terms_Description:
- SDTS_Point_and_Vector_Object_Type: Label point
- Point_and_Vector_Object_Count: 772
- SDTS_Terms_Description:
- SDTS_Point_and_Vector_Object_Type: GT-polygon composed of chains
- Point_and_Vector_Object_Count: 771
- SDTS_Terms_Description:
- SDTS_Point_and_Vector_Object_Type: Point
- Point_and_Vector_Object_Count: 6
- Spatial_Reference_Information:
- Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition:
- Planar:
- Map_Projection:
- Map_Projection_Name: Albers Conical Equal Area
- Albers_Conical_Equal_Area:
- Standard_Parallel: 55.000000
- Standard_Parallel: 65.000000
- Longitude_of_Central_Meridian: -154.000000
- Latitude_of_Projection_Origin: 50.000000
- False_Easting: 0.000000
- False_Northing: 0.000000
- Planar_Coordinate_Information:
- Planar_Coordinate_Encoding_Method: coordinate pair
- Coordinate_Representation:
- Abscissa_Resolution: 0.000000
- Ordinate_Resolution: 0.000000
- Planar_Distance_Units: meters
- Geodetic_Model:
- Horizontal_Datum_Name: North American Datum of 1983
- Ellipsoid_Name: Geodetic Reference System 80
- Semi-major_Axis: 6378137.000000
- Denominator_of_Flattening_Ratio: 298.257222
- Vertical_Coordinate_System_Definition:
- Altitude_System_Definition:
- Altitude_Resolution: 0.000100
- Altitude_Encoding_Method:
Explicit elevation coordinate included with horizontal coordinates
- Entity_and_Attribute_Information:
- Detailed_Description:
- Entity_Type:
- Entity_Type_Label: ak4m_biozone_aa
- Attribute:
- Attribute_Label: FID
- Attribute_Definition: Internal feature number.
- Attribute_Definition_Source: ESRI
- Attribute_Domain_Values:
- Unrepresentable_Domain:
Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.
- Attribute:
- Attribute_Label: Shape
- Attribute_Definition: Feature geometry.
- Attribute_Definition_Source: ESRI
- Attribute_Domain_Values:
- Unrepresentable_Domain: Coordinates defining the features.
- Attribute:
- Attribute_Label: ZONE_
- Attribute_Definition: Bioclimate Subzone
- Attribute_Definition_Source: AGC
- Attribute_Domain_Values:
- Enumerated_Domain:
- Enumerated_Domain_Value: 3
- Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: Subzone C
- Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition_Source: AGC
- Enumerated_Domain:
- Enumerated_Domain_Value: 4
- Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: Subzone D
- Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition_Source: AGC
- Enumerated_Domain:
- Enumerated_Domain_Value: 5
- Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition: Subzone E
- Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition_Source: AGC
- Attribute:
- Attribute_Label: Shape_Leng
- Attribute:
- Attribute_Label: Shape_Area
- Attribute_Definition: Area of feature in internal units squared.
- Attribute_Definition_Source: ESRI
- Attribute_Domain_Values:
- Unrepresentable_Domain: Positive real numbers that are automatically generated.
- Distribution_Information:
- Distributor:
- Contact_Information:
- Contact_Organization_Primary:
- Contact_Organization: Alaska Geobotany Center
- Contact_Person: Hilmar A. Maier
- Contact_Position: GIS and Remote Sensing Manager
- Contact_Address:
- Address_Type: physical address
- Address: Alaska Geobotany Center
- Address: Institute of Arctic Biology
- Address: University of Alaska Fairbanks
- City: Fairbanks
- State_or_Province: AK
- Postal_Code: 99775
- Country: US
- Contact_Voice_Telephone: +1.907.474.1540
- Contact_Voice_Telephone: +1.907.474.2459
- Contact_Voice_Telephone: +1.907.474.2460
- Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: dataManager@geobotany.org
- Contact_Instructions: <http://www.geobotany.org/>
- Resource_Description: Downloadable Data
- Distribution_Liability: Unknown
- Standard_Order_Process:
- Digital_Form:
- Digital_Transfer_Information:
- Transfer_Size: 0.116
- Metadata_Reference_Information:
- Metadata_Date: 20100308
- Metadata_Contact:
- Contact_Information:
- Contact_Organization_Primary:
- Contact_Organization: Alaska Geobotany Center
- Contact_Person: Hilmar A. Maier
- Contact_Position: GIS and Remote Sensing Manager
- Contact_Address:
- Address_Type: physical address
- Address: Alaska Geobotany Center
- Address: Institute of Arctic Biology
- Address: University of Alaska Fairbanks
- City: Fairbanks
- State_or_Province: AK
- Postal_Code: 99775
- Country: US
- Contact_Voice_Telephone: +1.907.474.1540
- Contact_Voice_Telephone: +1.907.474.2459
- Contact_Voice_Telephone: +1.907.474.2460
- Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: dataManager@geobotany.org
- Contact_Instructions: <http://www.geobotany.org/>
- Metadata_Standard_Name: FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata
- Metadata_Standard_Version: FGDC-STD-001-1998
- Metadata_Time_Convention: local time
- Metadata_Extensions:
- Online_Linkage: <http://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.html>
- Profile_Name: ESRI Metadata Profile
Generated by mp version 2.9.6 on Mon Mar 08 13:50:14 2010